Localized Workbooks
Template Modification Rights
Please click here to learn how to unprotect worksheets & workbook structure in order to customize the World Cup 2018 prediction schedule to your needs. |
A spreadsheet with World Cup 2018 squad data (736 rows) is offered to all soccer fans who buy the modification rights of our prediction template. Player and club names are hyperlinked to Wiki articles.
World Cup 2018 - Free VBA Add-in
Here are the most notable features of our World Cup Excel add-in:
- Move your predictions to our latest spreadsheet version without re-typing.
- Generate random predictions for fun!
- Export spreadsheet worksheets to a single PDF schedule.
Free Sweepstake Kit
Read about our sweepstake kit here (2 versions available)
Free Printable PDF (Wall Chart)

Spinner - Golden Boot 2018 Edition
Get top World Cup goal scorers floating on the main Excel Application Window to impress your buddies! They are faded in and out when displayed using VBA. Click here to read more.
Trade A Tweet For The Treat!
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